
There are many good films, but only few of them become excellent and memorable. What makes the difference? Since 2012, dok.incubator, an international documentary rough-cut workshop helps filmmakers change good films into exceptional ones.

About dok.incubator

dok.incubator is a think-tank founded in 2010 by experienced training providers to help documentary filmmaking survive the current media crisis. We strongly believe only the productions with high quality development, which can take advantage of new opportunities and master new market strategies will strive to succeed. The NGO is based in Prague and aims to strengthen the creative documentary industry with events and workshops bringing new impulses and top-class know-how including the use of the new media and internet platforms to the international community of filmmakers.


In 2012 we established dok.incubator workshop focused on creative development of films in post-production. Thanks to its immediate success we started organizing independent sessions with IDFA, Documentary Campus, Emerging Producers and Co-Pro Days. Thanks to Media Mundus program we established an overseas exchange of participants and tutors with IFP (US) and a year later we added a four-day DOK.Restart distribution workshop in Poland to our activities. We also collaborated with Nordisk Panorama and founded dok.elevator focused on Nordic producers together. Besides the successful international workshop we started with regional long term projects in 2015 to support Czech filmmakers – dok.incubator CZ and Slovak filmmakers – dok.incubator SK. Since 2019 we have been organizing the Move It On workshop focusing on digital marketing for films.


During the past 12 years dok.incubator worked with more than 170 films, many of them premiering at A-list festivals. 14 films were selected for Sundance competitions, 2 were nominated for Emmy, 6 for European Film Award and more than 30 of them were screened at IDFA. Films from dok.incubator workshops are also regularly selected for CPH:DOX, HotDocs, Visions du Réel, or Krakow Film Festival.





dok.Incubator z.s.
Bolzanova 1615/1
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic

Office: +420 224 241 046
email: info@dokincubator.net


DOK.Incubator z.s.
Mechovka 567
190 14 Prague 9
Czech Republic

tax ID: CZ22862021

Organizers and Partners


DOK.Incubator /CZ/


dok.incubator is a six-month long workshop for the whole creative team (director, editor, producer), already well-established on the national level, which aims to break into the international market. Experienced editors, producers, sales agents, PR and marketing experts tutor them long-term throughout the post-production period of their documentary projects. The tutors lead the participants to conclude the strongest possible dramaturgy of the final cut and to reach a wide international audience by building a clever distribution and marketing strategy. Sharpening the editing, emphasizing the film‘s international potential and introducing new distributional opportunities online, the workshop supports high-end documentaries to reach a global audience and establish their producers and filmmakers on the international scene.

Asociácia nezávislých producentov /SK/


The Association of Independent Producers (ANP) was created in 2010 as a platform for the protection of the interests of independent producers of audiovisual works. The objectives of its activities are to create a communication platform for producers, protect the interests of the audiovisual industry and promote the common interests of members of the association, creating a platform for technological, business and ethical standards of the audiovisual industry, creating an environment for the implementation and protection of intellectual property rights, cooperation with regulatory authorities and other public authorities, particularly in the preparation of the regulatory environment, representation in international organisations, members of the audiovisual industry, statistical information and creating databases for the audiovisual industry and the mutual sharing of such information.

The Association is co-financing and co-organizing the DOK.Incubator workshop session in Slovakia.




Partners for post-production awards



Unheard of sound post-production service – that is BEEP. Opening with field recording and equipment rental, going on to voice casting, dialogue recording and editing not to mention a multifarious SFX library. Continuing with foley recording and editing, music composition and production as well as music recording and editing. All this adding up to fully professional custom sound design including editorial and mixing, be it stereo or multi-channel.

Magiclab /CZ/


Magiclab is a Prague-based post-production studio that utilizes cutting edge technologies to deliver a wide range of services including high-quality visual effects for features, shorts, series and commercials. We love sharing our passion for motion pictures and work hard on establishing long-term relationships with all our clients. We are proud of our international, highly skilled staff who enjoy collaborating on creative and challenging projects. It is the Magic we add that sets us apart.


Visegrad partnership 2024

Description of the project


dok.incubator is a comprehensive educational program to support the documentary film industry in V4 region endangered by the impact of covid and digital transformation. By offering the latest know-how and networking with international players the program aims to help filmmakers to adapt to the current changes in the market, strengthen their competitiveness, and stabilize the whole sector.




1) Call for applications, selection, partnership coordination (January 22 – 31, 2024)


This project period contains Call for proposals, applications’ admission, first and second round of selection of 8 documentary participating projects for the 2024 international workshop and 8 projects for the regional workshops. More information can be found here.


2) Film school seminars for students from Prague, Bratislava, Lodz and Budapest (between March 20 and 29, 2024)

  • Seminars consist of two phases, prepared in cooperation with the school teachers, including current topics and extending the curriculum of every school involved.
  • Analysis of 4 selected projects in a rough cut stage to be assessed by the students
  • Creating mixed groups of students to offer a debate platform and to enhance their networking
  • Selecting observers for all 4 workshops


We plan to hold 3 online seminars for film school students (from the departments of directing, documentary directing, editing, and production) with cooperation with the film schools and collaborating teachers to present actual information from the documentary filmmaking and festivals, using the experience of some of the most renowned experts in the industry.


3) First workshop, residential, Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia (between April 22 and 30, 2024)

  • 6 days program for the international projects – screenings, analyses, discussions, editing, initial marketing consultations, preparation of the 8-month course of cooperation
  • 4 days residential program for the Slovak projects – screenings, analyses, discussions, editing
  • 4 days program for Czech projects – screenings, analyses, discussions, editing


The first residential workshop will take place in Slovakia, Banská Štiavnica at the end of April. The workshop serves as the initial event to start a long-term cooperation of the participants and their tutors who will work with the projects for the next 8 months.


4) Second residential workshop, Olomouc, Czech Republic (between June 21 and 30, 2024)


  • 7 days program for the international projects – editing, marketing and distribution strategy development, screenings and discussions with the decision-makers
  • Individual meetings with industry representatives
  • 3,5 day program for 12 regional projects – screenings, analyses, discussions, editing, meetings


The event consists of three residential workshops for 8 international and 8 projects from the Visegrad region.

We plan to realize three workshops (international and two regional) for 16 participating teams as residential in Olomouc.


5) Visegrad co-production Forum & open program (3 days in the frame of the second workshop), Olomouc (between June 24 and 28, 2024)


  • 3 days of meetings and industry program for producers (2/3 from the Visegrad countries), discussing their projects in development and looking for co-production partners within the region and beyond
  • Regional participants mingling together with the representatives of the international industry
  • Active space connecting producers and other professionals to support the financing and development of projects, their promotion, and distribution
  • Open program for Visegrad countries filmmakers outside the workshop (including students) – lectures, sessions, discussions on current topics, and individual meetings with the decision-makers
  • The Open program (individual lectures given by the most renowned experts – producers, sales agents, festival representatives) will be a part of the workshop’s program, open to film professionals from the region


The platform will be accessible for all the workshops‘ participants and selected open program participants both with and without their own projects including students, and invited experts (sales agents, festival representatives, distributors, etc.)


Supported by:

International Visegrad Fund

