dok.incubator CZ
• 6 months | 4 Czech documentaries in the rough cut stage
• editing, distribution and production strategy
The workshop consists of two residential and one online session, offering additional individual residential consultations in the editing rooms in between the sessions. Each project team consists of director, editor and producer is supported by an observer – film director or editor, starting their own creative career.
All in all, the mixture of the participating filmmakers, film professionals from the film institutes and film school students create the empowering strategy in order to boost the Czech projects under the guidance of skilled and awards’ winning editing and production tutors. The final session offers feedback and meetings with key international decision makers in order to secure festival release and sales.
deadline for observers: March 15
1ST session / rough cut / April 26–May 3
The first session aims to maximize the film’s potential. It is focused on intensive individual editing sessions and creating tailor-made distribution strategy.
We start with screenings of the participants’ rough cuts, followed by a moderated discussion and in depth analysis of the rhythm, character development, narrative structure and dramaturgy. Each participant is assigned a supervising tutor. Project team receives feedback on the structure, dramaturgy and narration of the film and its potential for international audiences.
The core of the session is so-called DNA analysis. Defining your core values and building your film’s identity lead you back to the first moment when you discovered the specific element, which evolved into the topic so important that you decided to make this film. By professionally led analytical sessions, you define the weak and strong points of your story, the core subject of your story and find a universal tagline which addresses the viewers across the globe.
Meanwhile, the producers of the participating projects work on a distribution and festival strategy, searching for specific opportunities for their films within different territories, platforms or institutions. They prepare a time schedule, based on the current situation of the film and receive feedback on their financing plans.
The first session takes place in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia in the end of April and is divided into two groups (these groups stay the same for the 2nd session as well):
1st group (head of studies Christilla Huillard-Kann): April 26–29
In between two workshops the participants are supposed to work intensively. They should:
work on a distribution and festival strategy which will be discussed at the next session
plan the first release of the film and its marketing, incl. its financial plan
2ND session / fine cut / June 29–July 7
During the second session, the participants focus on building specific marketing strategies, devising a precise distribution plan, and expanding their knowledge of the international film market. The editing sessions are the most intensive during this residential session.
In between two workshops the participants are supposed to work intensively. They should:
The second session takes place in Olomouc, the Czech Republic and is divided into two groups (the same groups and tutors as for the 1st session):
1st group (head of studies Erik Winker): June 29–July 2
3RD session / picture lock / October
The near-finished films are screened with an international audience: festivals, distributors and sales agents, who then lead the discussion and provide the participants with feedback on a potential festival release or sales contract. Editing sessions with fresh-eye tutors and individual meetings follow.
This session is led to introduce the projects to selected decision makers in one-on-one meetings. The final wrap-up meetings with tutors will assure that the proposed contracts or festival offers suit the project within its planned strategy.
The online session takes place between October 6–10 and is divided into two groups.
How we work
3 experienced lecturers: producers and editors of award-winning films will provide you with individual mentoring. Internationally-recognised tutors aim to inspire the participants to find their own way of telling their stories – and how to get them to the audiences. Afterwards, you meet with an editing tutor who provides you with a fresh-eye look at your cut.
We provide an individual and tailor-made plan for each project we work with. Our tutors work intensively with the whole team in order to help the participants with specific issues, connected to their projects.
At the final session, international decision makers from world festivals and sales will give you with their feedback on your project.
How to apply
Submit your film and work with international tutors on editing and dramaturgy and discuss your distribution strategy with festival and sales representatives! dok.incubator is open to teams of three – editor, director and producer – to participate in a six-month long program which is organised partly as a residential event and partly online.
Every year, international tutors select four Czech projects which get an opportunity to gain a new perspective on their film and to maximise its international potential.
Please note that to apply, you will need:
All visual materials must be subtitled in English. We only accept digital files uploaded via the application form.
Fees & scholarship
With project: 1500 EUR, including accommodation, food, catalogues and off-program costs for both residential sessions for three team members.
Without project: The observer fee is around 650 EUR, including accommodation, food, catalogues and off-program costs for both residential sessions.
The projects selected for dok.incubator CZ pay for the accommodation in shared double rooms and food (breakfast and lunch) which is: