dok.incubator preview is an exclusive showcase of seven rolling documentaries just before their premiere. This year, the event takes places in Amsterdam on November 12 at 5 pm (invitations only).
Two women are separated by revolutions, but united through their letters.
Director: Vlad Petri
Editor: Dragoș Apetri
Editor: Cătălin Cristuțiu
Producer: Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan,
Co-producer: Oliver Sertic
Produced by: Activ Docs
Co-produced by: Restart
Estimated date of release: February 2023
Zahra and Maria meet at university in Bucharest in the 1970's. When the hope of political change draws Zahra home to Iran they are forced apart. For the next decade their only way to communicate is through letters. Divided by two revolutions, their words describe women struggling to be heard, countries moving in different directions, and two souls united in their longing for each other.
Who are we to call when the world is on fire?
Director: Greta Stocklassa
Editor: Alan Sýs
Producer: Radovan Síbrt,
Co-producer: Erik Winker
Co-producer: Mario Adamson
Produced by: PINK,
Sales: Syndicado Film Sales, Aleksandar Govedarica,
Estimated date of release: January 2023
Greta had just turned 8 years old when she watched the unfolding of 9/11 on her TV in Stockholm. In the following months and years, she saw her fellow countryman, the diplomat Hans Blix, become a major player in the global crisis, as weapons inspector for the UN.
Now, in the 21st century of wars, political extremes and climate catastrophes, Greta reaches out to Blix, now 94 years old, to ask if he can help her make sense of the world. Does diplomacy still have a role? Or is he the last of the great negotiators?
My encounter with Ernesto unfolds a tender exploration of violence.
Director, producer: Efthymia Zymvragaki,
Editor: Tin Dirdamal
Co-producer: Anna M. Bofarull
Produced by: GRIS MEDIO
Co-produced by: KaBoGa art & films, Novena Nube, Thurn Film, Eur Film, Witfilm
Estimated date of release: November 2022, IDFA
Ernesto wants to talk about the violence he carries within. I accept the challenge to explore the split personality of this harmful, desperate man. But I realize that he also holds the key to my deepest fears echoing in the violence of my own past. Now his story will never be separated from mine.
A young man wants his son to look up to him, but being a role model is harder than he thought.
Director: Szymon Kuriata
Editor: Patrycja Piróg
Editor: Michał Poddębniak
Producer: Aneta Zagórska,
Co-producer: Bostjan Brezovnik
Produced by: FILM KRAKÓW
Co-produced by: Inhumanum Film
Estimated date of release: June 2023
Remik and Magda were teenage lovers, but the arrival of their son Franek put an end to their carefree years. Their emotional immaturity often forces Franek to be the adult in the room. Remik struggles with his new responsibilities and often disappoint his girlfriend and their son. As a result frustration and problems build up. Will Remik and Magda’s love be enough to keep the family together?
The revelation of a family secret triggers the filmmaker’s journey to self-affirmation as a woman in Korean society.
Director: Juyeon Yang
Editor: Jin Ju Lee
Producer, editor: Duhyun Ko,
Producer: Sarah Kang
Produced by: Keumyoil Film
Estimated date of release: February 2023
I don’t want to become like my aunt. Like her, I was born as the eldest daughter with the role of the ‘good big sister’ in my family. I was used to my younger brother standing in front of me at family gatherings, and I always felt that there was no place for me in my home. The night before I graduated from college, my drunken dad told me about his sister who committed suicide 40 years earlier. It was the first time I had heard about her. Since then I have been afraid her misfortune would be passed on to me. To face this fear inside me, I decided to make a film about my missing aunt. Blending animation, family archive as well as my own journey, I try to make visible the part of my family story that was erased. To question the place of women in Korean society and to find my own place.
A person who dies without a name is like a story without an ending.
Director, editor: Valentina Cicogna
Director: Mattia Colombo
Producer: Sebastiano Luca Insinga,
Co-producer: Amel Soudani
Co-producer: Nicola Bernasconi
Co-producer: Mario Adamson
Produced by: Jump Cut
Co-produced by: Amka Films Productions, Sisyfos Film Production
Sales: Deckert Distribution GmbH
Estimated date of release: February 2023
Every night nameless bodies land in Dr. Cristina Cattaneo’s autopsy room. She calls them Pure Unknown. The Pure Unknown belong to the fringes of society. They are homeless, prostitutes, runaway teenagers. Lately, they have mostly been migrants, rejected by the Mediterranean Sea onto the shores of Italy. If all rights belong to the living, nothing is left to the dead. So what happens when the dead have lost their identity? In the face of this growing multitude, no one seems concerned about their right to dignity. No one but Cristina.
There is male, there is female, and then, there is i.
Director: Tünde Skovrán
Editor: Marianna Rudas
Producer: Andrei Zinca,
Co-producer: Paul Cadieux
Co-producer: Patrick Hamm
Produced by: Double 4 Studios Romania
Co-produced by: Filmoption International
Estimated date of release: January 2023
What makes a male, and what makes a female? Where do we draw the line, and does it really matter? Sharon-Rose Khumalo, a South African beauty queen, plunges into an identity crisis after finding out she is intersex. In her quest to deal with gender dysphoria, she needs the guidance of somebody just like her. The only person who will help is Dimakatso Sebidi, a masculine presenting intersex activist, who turns out to be her complete opposite. The two parallel but divergent stories offer an intimate look at the struggle of living in a male-female world, when you are both or neither. For the first time in a creative documentary, Who I Am Not gives a voice to the long ignored and mostly silent two percent of the world's population: the intersex community.