dok.incubator INT
• 8 months | 8 documentaries in the rough cut stage
• editing, distribution and marketing strategy development
→ enter the international market
Every year we select 8 documentary projects represented by director, editor and producer to work with in the frame of three residential workshops (April – November). Experienced as well as first time filmmakers from all over the world are provided individual guidance through the post-production period by renowned tutors. We lead the participants to conclude strong dramaturgy of the final cut to reach a wide international audience by building a clever distribution strategy using new digital technologies and smart online marketing tools.
next deadline: January 2026
1ST session / rough cut / April 27–May 2
During the first session the participants and their tutors are looking for the "DNA" of each film. In editing rooms they focus on storytelling and start asking basic marketing questions.
Everything starts with screenings of the rough cuts, followed by discussions and in-depth analysis of the narrative structure and dramaturgy. The participants are assigned a supervising tutor and a ‘fresh eye’ consultant to work with on the editing to enhance their project's potential for international audiences.
The producers start thinking about the best distribution and festival strategy, searching for opportunities for their films within different territories, platforms or institutions.
The first session takes place in Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia from April 26 until May 1.
2ND session / fine cut / June 30–July 6
The second session is about finding the right direction of the film. Participants have a chance to test their current rough cuts on important decision makers and discuss their distribution possibilities with them.
The almost finished films are “test screened” for an international audience: festival programmers, distributors and sales agents who provide the participants with feedback on the content and structure of the film, the release strategy and distribution. Editing sessions and individual meetings follow.
Marketing specialists teach how the documentaries can be promoted effectively using different strategies. The end of the workshop is dedicated to legal issues of distribution, providing the participants with a detailed overview of the European sales landscape.
The second session takes place in Olomouc, the Czech Republic in the end of June.
3RD session & preview / picture lock / September 29–October 4
During the third session the editing of the films is finalised and the rest of the session is dedicated to marketing and preparations of the official presentation of participating projects within the industry at the dok.incubator preview.
Individual editing meetings help finalise the trailers, speech structuring and five-minutes scene selection. Pitching tutors individually train participants‘ presentation skills and introduction of the project.
The preview is composed as an exclusive event organised either on stage for invited decision makers or online. The preview is followed by a networking gathering and one-on-one meetings with invited industry guests.
All workshop projects are widely promoted throughout the following year.
The third session will place in the Czech Republic, the place and dates TBC.
How we work
More than 25 experienced tutors: producers, editors of award-winning films and creative PR and marketing experts will provide you with individual mentoring. Internationally recognised tutors aim to inspire the participants to find their own way of telling their stories – and how to get them to the audiences.
We believe in an individual approach and providing a tailor-made development plan for each project we work with. Our tutors work with the whole teams to help the participants with their projects. In our opinion each project is different and requires unique approach, knowledge and support.
The group of dedicated tutors and participants work very hard to step across the films’ and individual’s limits. It's an intensive period of hard work and creative energy.
How to apply
dok.incubator invites editors, directors and producers to a six–month workshop, focused on filmmakers’ professional development and giving you access to top internationally-experienced tutors. If you are thinking of applying, decide early enough so you can adjust the schedule of making your film to the schedule of the workshop. See the timeline section above for more details. Submit your project before the early bird deadline for zero application fee.
Audiovisual materials:
Information about the project:
Be aware that all three team members – director, editor and producer – must be available to participate in three one-week online/hybrid/residential sessions in April, June and September. You cannot apply without an editor. Please book your editor in advance: for an editing period between the 1st and 2nd workshop, and for another between the 2nd and 3rd workshops. Please note that all the participants must be able to work in English.
Use one of the many chances to meet us during the year! We usually attend industry events at DOK Leipzig, IDFA and other festivals where you can arrange a meeting with us and learn more about the program. Before the submission deadline (December and January) we also organise online meetings during which we answer all your questions about workshop applications.
To apply with a project, please click here.
Observers' applications can be found here.
Fees & scholarship
We aim to make our workshop accessible to great films regardless of the size of their budget.
To include projects with a limited budget, we consider each project and its financial situation, production possibilities as well as possibility to get additional funding, individually. We offer discounts and scholarships leading to individual rates of the fee and to the majority of our participating projects not paying the full fee.
For observers: The observers' fee for participation in two workshops ranges from € 810–2.600 (can be individually adjusted). Please scroll down through the 'see more' section for the price calculation.
In every year of its existence dok.incubator supported films in difficult financial situations, therefore we encourage applicants to apply for a scholarship.
Scholarship types
Eligibility for scholarship
Projects with limited budget and/or expected higher travel costs might pay a reduced fee that covers accommodation, meals, technical equipment and editing room rental and only a small part of the tuition fee.
The regular fee consists of cost of accommodation for 3 team members at all three residential sessions (in shared double rooms), subsistence, editing room rental at each session, technical equipment of the editing room as well as the tuition fee.
(projects with additional funding possibilities)
Projects from some countries or regions might have better access to apply for additional funding to cover higher participation fees and help us finance other costs related to the workshop. Such options will be discussed individually with the project team members and dok.incubator will definitely support the team and assist with relevant applications.
Please note that participants cover and organize their travel to the workshop locations individually.
In case a selected project (that originally paid discounted fee) gains larger amounts of funding anytime during the calendar year in which the workshop is taking place, the project might be obliged to pay additional fee to dok.incubator retrospectively. Such agreement will be specified upon the final confirmation of participation at the workshop and it will be included in the contract.
Please note that participants cover and organize their travel to the workshop locations individually.